Raiffeisenbank Obersimmental-Saanenland
Simple and professional! With our engagement and our products, we are committed to a sustainable development of society and the environment. As a local bank, by sharing the leading retail banking group in Switzerland, our success is based on the trust of our customers. In the center of our concern is the interest of our customers and employees. Our goal is to combine the principles of business management with the ethical values of the cooperative to create as many as possible benefits to our members. It would give us great pleasure to advise you personally in one of our offices in Gstaad or Zweisimmen.
Opening hours on holidays:
Christmas / New Year
Monday, 25.12.2023 closed
Tuesday, 26.12.2023 closed
Monday, 1.1.2024 closed
Tuesday, 2.1.2024 closed
From Wednesday, 3.1.2024 normal opening hours
Thursday, 28.3.2024 open until 16 o'clock
Friday, 29.3.2024 closed
Monday, 1.4.2024 closed
Wednesday, 8.5.2024 open by phone until 16 o'clock
Thursday, 9.5.2024 closed
Monday, 19.5.2024 closed
National Holiday
Wednesday, 31.7.2024 reachable by phone until 16 o'clock
Thursday, 1.8.2024 closed